Being in your current role feels awful, monotonous, unfulfilling. You don’t feel valued, acknowledged, respected challenged or inspired. Or maybe it’s not ‘awful’, and that’s part of the problem. It’s just long passed its expiry date, boring, comfortable, and you can do it with your eyes closed. But you don’t quite ‘hate it enough’ to leave yet’. So you’re still here. The same place you’ve always been. Because the next your next role/career has to be the right one. You don’t want to make the wrong decision. You can’t be sure it’s the right decision. You need to be certain it’s the right decision. So you don’t make one, and you stay where you are. But what if there were no wrong decisions, just decisions?And the freedom to make a different and more informed decision, with each decision you make; taking with you everything you have learned about yourself and what you want, at each step.
Along the way there's also choices. Choosing to see what else it out there. Choosing to try things, research and have conversations. Choosing to apply anyway, and knowing you gain from having had that experience whatever the outcome. Choosing to make an informed decision based on the information you have, and that being enough. Choosing to make the best of the decision you make, and taking the learning you’ve gained from that to the next one. Choosing not to judge yourself for your past decisions and taking the learning with you moving forward. Choosing not to judge yourself for your future decisions. You can’t have certainty over the outcome of your decisions. You do have certainty of how your current job or career is making you feel now. How long would be long enough to have spent analysing and figuring everything out. What’s worse: Making a decision and later finding out it didn’t work for you, or having never found out if it might have been the right one? What possibilities and experiences are you missing out on because of fear of making the wrong decision?
February 2022
CategoriesPermission to be vulnerableFear of making the wrong decisionThe Space Between Perfection and AuthenticityBetween fearing the unknown, and the career you're unhappy in.A Moment in NatureFear of Not having enough Money |