Many of us go on holiday to decompress, reset, and reenergise, and come back to our own realities feeling refreshed. Having time to pause, exhale and release, is incredibly important. However we don't have to wait for the next holiday, to experience this.
The audio below, will allow to go to a place in your mind that has has always allowed you to slow down and reconnect with yourself. A few of my favourite spaces, usually involve a bench and somewhere green. For me, this not only symbolises stillness and peace, but also a space that welcomes, whoever you are, however you feel, with whatever you need from that space. There are no rules or expectations, just freedom to be. Take a moment to think of your favourite calm space as you listen to this visualisation.
February 2022
CategoriesPermission to be vulnerableFear of making the wrong decisionThe Space Between Perfection and AuthenticityBetween fearing the unknown, and the career you're unhappy in.A Moment in NatureFear of Not having enough Money |